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Lưu mã sau dưới dạng tệp tin PLDIET.lsp
;;;  PLDIET.lsp [command name: PLDIET]
;;;  To put lightweight PolyLines on a DIET (remove excess vertices); usually
;;;    used for contours with too many too-closely-spaced vertices.
;;;  Concept from PVD routine [posted on AutoCAD Customization Discussion
;;;    Group by oompa_l, July 2009] by Brian Hailey, added to by CAB, and
;;;    WEED and WEED2 routines by Skyler Mills at Cadalyst CAD Tips [older
;;;    routines for "heavy" Polylines that won't work on newer lightweight ones];
;;;    simplified in entity data list processing, and enhanced in other ways [error
;;;    handling, default values, join collinear segments beyond max. distance,
;;;    limit to current space/tab, account for change in direction across 0 degrees,
;;;    option to keep or eliminate arc segments] by Kent Cooper, August 2009.
;;;  Last edited 28 August 2013
;;;  Added reporting, CAD Studio, 2018
(defun C:PLD
  (/ *error* cmde disttemp cidtemp arctemp plinc plsel pl
  pldata ucschanged front 10to42 vinc verts vert1 vert2 vert3 n1 n2)
  (defun *error* (errmsg)
    (if (not (wcmatch errmsg "Function cancelled,quit / exit abort,console break,ruš"))
      (princ (strcat "\nError: " errmsg))
    ); end if
    (if ucschanged (command "_.ucs" "_prev"))
      ; ^ i.e. don't go back unless routine reached UCS change but didn't change back
    (command "_.undo" "_end")
    (setvar 'cmdecho cmde)
  ); end defun - *error*
  (setq cmde (getvar 'cmdecho))
  (setvar 'cmdecho 0)
  (command "_.undo" "_begin")
          "\nKhoang cach toi da cho phep"
          (if *distmax* (strcat " <" (rtos *distmax* 2 2) ">") ""); default only if not first use
          ": "
        ); end strcat
      ); end getdist & disttemp
        (disttemp); user entered number or picked distance
        (*distmax*); otherwise, user hit Enter - keep value
      ); end cond & *distmax*
          "\nGoc toi da cho phep"
          (strcat ; offer prior choice if not first use; otherwise 10 degrees
            " <"
            (if *cidmax* (angtos *cidmax*) (angtos (/ pi 18))) ; was 12
          ); end strcat
          ": "
        ); end strcat
      ); end getdist & cidtemp
        (cidtemp); user entered number or picked angle
        (*cidmax*); Enter with prior value set - use that
        ((/ pi 18)); otherwise [Enter on first use] - 10 degrees
      ); end cond & *cidmax*
    plinc 0 ; incrementer through selection set of Polylines
  ); end setq
  (initget "Retain Straighten")
          "\nGiu nguyen duong cong hay duoi thang [R/S] <"
          (if *arcstr* (substr *arcstr* 1 1) "R"); at first use, R default; otherwise, prior choice
          ">: "
        ); end strcat
      ); end getkword
        (arctemp); if User typed something, use it
        (*arcstr*); if Enter and there's a prior choice, keep that
        ("Retain"); otherwise [Enter on first use], Retain
      ); end cond & *arcstr*
  ); end setq
  (prompt "\nChon LWPolylines to put on a diet, or press Enter to select all: ")
    ((setq plsel (ssget '((0 . "LWPOLYLINE"))))); user-selected Polylines
    ((setq plsel (ssget "_X" (list '(0 . "*POLYLINE") (cons 410 (getvar 'ctab))))))
      ; all Polylines [in current space/tab only]
  ); end cond
  (repeat (sslength plsel)
    (setq pl (ssname plsel plinc))
      (equal (vlax-curve-getStartPoint pl) (vlax-curve-getPointAtParam pl 1) 1e-6)
        ; to correct for possibility that more than one vertices at beginning coincide,
        ; in which case Pline does not define a CS under UCS OBject, causing error
      (command "_.pedit" pl "_edit" "_straighten" "" "" "_go" "_exit" "")
    ); while
    (setq pldata (entget pl))
    (if (/= (cdr (last pldata)) (trans '(0 0 1) 1 0)); extr. direction not parallel current CS
        ; for correct angle & distance calculations [projected onto current construction
        ; plane], since 10-code entries for LWPolylines are only 2D points:
        (command "_.ucs" "_new" "_object" pl) ; set UCS to match object
        (setq ucschanged T) ; marker for *error* to reset UCS if routine doesn't
      ); end progn
    ); end if
      front ; list of "front end" [pre-vertices] entries, minus entity names & handle
          '(lambda (x)
            (member (car x) '(-1 330 5 10 40 41 42 210))
          ); end lambda
        ); end removal & front
      10to42 ; list of all code 10, 40, 41, 42 entries only
          '(lambda (x)
            (member (car x) '(10 40 41 42))
          ); end lambda
        ); end removal & 10to42
      vinc (/ (length 10to42) 4); incrementer for vertices within each Polyline
      verts nil ; eliminate from previous Polyline [if any]
	  n1 vinc ; old # of vertices
    ); end setq

    (if (= *arcstr* "Straighten")
        (setq bulges ; find any bulge factors
            '(lambda (x)
                (= (car x) 42)
                (/= (cdr x) 0.0)
              ); end and
            ); end lambda
          ); end removal & bulges
        ); end setq
        (foreach x bulges (setq 10to42 (subst '(42 . 0.0) x 10to42)))
          ; straighten all arc segments to line segments
      ); end progn
    ); end if
    (repeat vinc
        verts ; sub-group list: separate list of four entries for each vertex
              (nth (- (* vinc 4) 4) 10to42)
              (nth (- (* vinc 4) 3) 10to42)
              (nth (- (* vinc 4) 2) 10to42)
              (nth (1- (* vinc 4)) 10to42)
            ); end list
          ); end cons & verts
        vinc (1- vinc) ; will be 0 at end
      ); end setq
    ); end repeat
    (while (nth (+ vinc 2) verts); still at least 2 more vertices
        (or ; only possible if chose to Retain arc segments
          (/= (cdr (assoc 42 (nth vinc verts))) 0.0); next segment is arc
          (/= (cdr (assoc 42 (nth (1+ vinc) verts))) 0.0); following segment is arc
        ); end or
        (setq vinc (1+ vinc)); then - don't straighten from here; move to next
        (progn ; else - analyze from current vertex
            vert1 (cdar (nth vinc verts)) ; point-list location of current vertex
            vert2 (cdar (nth (1+ vinc) verts)); of next one
            vert3 (cdar (nth (+ vinc 2) verts)); of one after that
            ang1 (angle vert1 vert2)
            ang2 (angle vert2 vert3)
          ); end setq
              (equal ang1 ang2 0.0001); collinear, ignoring distance
                (<= (distance vert1 vert3) *distmax*)
                  ; straightens if direct distance from current vertex to two vertices later is
                  ; less than or equal to maximum; if preferred to compare distance along
                  ; Polyline through intermediate vertex, replace above line with this:
                  ; (<= (+ (distance vert1 vert2) (distance vert2 vert3)) *distmax*)
                  (if (> (abs (- ang1 ang2)) pi); if difference > 180 degrees
                    (+ (min ang1 ang2) (- (* pi 2) (max ang1 ang2)))
                      ; then - compensate for change in direction crossing 0 degrees
                    (abs (- ang1 ang2)); else - size of difference
                  ); end if
                ); end <=
              ); end and
            ); end or
            (setq verts (vl-remove (nth (1+ vinc) verts) verts))
              ; then - remove next vertext, stay at current vertex for next comparison
            (setq vinc (1+ vinc)); else - leave next vertex, move to it as new base
          ); end if - distance & change in direction analysis
        ); end progn - line segments
      ); end if - arc segment check
    ); end while - working through vertices
      front (subst (cons 90 (length verts)) (assoc 90 front) front)
        ; update quantity of vertices for front end
      10to42 nil ; clear original set
    ); end setq
    (foreach x verts (setq 10to42 (append 10to42 x)))
      ; un-group four-list vertex sub-lists back to one list of all 10, 40, 41, 42 entries
    (setq pldata (append front 10to42 (list (last pldata))))
      ; put front end, vertex entries and extrusion direction back together
    (entmake pldata)
;(PRINT (length (vl-remove-if-not '(lambda (x) (= (car x) 10)) pldata)))
    (setq n2 (length (vl-remove-if-not '(lambda (x) (= (car x) 10)) pldata)))
    (entdel pl); remove original
    (setq plinc (1+ plinc)); go on to next Polyline
    (if ucschanged
        (command "_.ucs" "_prev")
        (setq ucschanged nil) ; eliminate UCS reset in *error* since routine did it already
      ); end progn
    ); end if - UCS reset
	(princ (strcat "\n" (rtos n1 2 0) "-->" (rtos n2 2 0) " (" (rtos (* (/ (- n2 n1) (* 1.0 n1)) 100.0) 2 2) "%)"))
  ); end repeat - stepping through set of Polylines
  (princ (strcat "\n" (itoa plinc) " polyline" (if (> plinc 1) "s" "") " simplified."))
  (command "_.undo" "_end")
  (setvar 'cmdecho cmde)
); end defun - PLD

(defun C:PLDIET ()
(prompt "\nType PLD to put PolyLines on a Diet.")(princ)

 hoặc AVX.lsp
Code: AVX 

;;; AVX : Add VerteX on Pline (LW, 2D, 3D) 
;;; DVX : Del Vertex on Pline (LW, 2D, 3D) 
;;; Special version for US/English people 

;; AVX - from (gile) Gilles Chanteau - (12/05/07)
;; Ajoute un sommet au point spécifié à une extrémité ou sur le segment sélectionné d'une polyligne

(defun c:avx	(/    err  AcDoc     pl	  ob   pk   pa	 ap   typ  org
		 ucs  ocs  pt	sp   ep	  co   no   p1	 p2   pt   ce
		 a1   a2   bu


  (defun err (msg)
    (if	(or
	  (= msg "Fonction annulée")
	  (= msg "quitter / sortir abandon")
      (princ (strcat "\nErreur: " msg))
    (and ucs (vla-put-activeUCS AcDoc ucs))
    (and ocs (vla-delete ocs) (setq ocs nil))
      (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object))
    (setq *error* m:err
	  m:err	nil

  (setq	m:err	*error*
	*error*	err
	AcDoc	(vla-get-activeDocument (vlax-get-acad-object))
  (while (and
	   (setq pl (entsel))
	   (setq ob (vlax-ename->vla-object (car pl)))
	   (setq typ (vla-get-Objectname ob))
    (if	(or (= typ "AcDbPolyline")
	    (and (member typ '("AcDb2dPolyline" "AcDb3dPolyline"))
		 (= 0 (vla-get-Type ob))
	(vla-StartUndoMark AcDoc)
	(setq pk
	       (if (= typ "AcDb3dPolyline")
		 (trans (osnap (cadr pl) "_nea") 1 0)
		   (trans (cadr pl) 1 0)
		   (mapcar '-
			   (trans (getvar "VIEWDIR") 1 0)
			   (trans '(0 0 0) 1 0)
	(setq ap (/ (* (getvar "APERTURE")
		       (getvar "VIEWSIZE")
		    (cadr (getvar "SCREENSIZE"))
	(if (= typ "AcDbPolyline")
	  (setq co (split-list (vlax-get ob 'Coordinates) 2))
	  (setq co (split-list (vlax-get ob 'Coordinates) 3))
	  ((equal pk (vlax-curve-getStartPoint ob) ap)
	   (setq pa 0)
	   (if (= (vla-get-Closed ob) :vlax-false)
	     (setq sp (vlax-curve-getStartPoint ob)
		   ep nil
	     (setq ep nil
		   sp nil
	  ((equal pk (vlax-curve-getEndPoint ob) ap)
	   (setq pa (1- (length co)))
	   (if (= (vla-get-Closed ob) :vlax-false)
	     (setq ep (vlax-curve-getEndPoint ob)
		   sp nil
	     (setq ep nil
		   sp nil
	   (setq pa (atoi (rtos (vlax-curve-getParamAtPoint ob pk)))
		 ep nil
		 sp nil
	(if (and (/= typ "AcDb3dPolyline")
		   (not	(equal (trans '(0 0 1) 1 0 T)
			       (setq no (vlax-get ob 'Normal))
		   (and	(= typ "AcDbPolyline")
			(/= 0 (vla-get-Elevation ob))
		   (and (= typ "AcDb2dPolyline") (/= 0 (caddar co)))
	    (setq ucs (vla-add
			(vla-get-UserCoordinateSystems AcDoc)
			(vlax-3d-point (setq org (getvar "UCSORG")))
			(vlax-3d-point (mapcar '+ org (getvar "UCSXDIR")))
			(vlax-3d-point (mapcar '+ org (getvar "UCSYDIR")))
		  ocs (vla-add
			(vla-get-UserCoordinateSystems AcDoc)
			  (setq org (vlax-curve-getStartPoint ob))
			  (mapcar '+ org (trans '(1 0 0) no 0))
			  (mapcar '+ org (trans '(0 1 0) no 0))
	    (vla-put-activeUCS AcDoc ocs)
	(if (setq
	       (getpoint (trans (vlax-curve-getPointAtParam ob pa) 0 1) 

;;;			 "\nSpecifiez le sommet à ajouter: " 
			 "\nSpecify the Segment/Arc for Vertex to Add : " 

	    (and ep (setq pa (- (length co) 2)))
	    (if	(/= typ "AcDb3dPolyline")
		(setq p1 (trans (vlax-curve-getPointAtParam ob pa) 0 no)
		      pt (trans pt 1 no)
		      p2 (trans	(vlax-curve-getPointAtParam ob (1+ pa))
		  ((and ep (/= 0 (vla-getBulge ob pa)))
		   ((lambda (a)
			 (list (cons (1+ (fix pa)) (/ (sin a) (cos a))))
		       (- (angle p2 pt)
			  (+ (angle p2 p1)
			     (* 2 (atan (vla-getBulge ob pa)))
		  ((and sp (/= 0 (vla-getBulge ob pa)))
		   ((lambda (a)
			bu (list (cons 0 (/ (sin a) (cos a))))
		       (- (+ (angle p1 p2)
			     (* -2 (atan (vla-getBulge ob pa)))
			  (angle p1 pt)
		     ce	((lambda (mid1 mid2)
			   (inters mid1
				   (polar mid1
					  (+ (angle p1 pt) (/ pi 2))
				   (polar mid2
					  (+ (angle pt p2) (/ pi 2))
			  (mapcar '(lambda (x1 x2) (/ (+ x1 x2) 2.0))
			  (mapcar '(lambda (x1 x2) (/ (+ x1 x2) 2.0))
		   (if (or (= 0 (vla-getBulge ob pa)) (null ce))
		     (setq a1 0.0
			   a2 0.0
		     (if (< pi
			    (ang<2pi (- (angle pt p2) (angle p1 pt)))
			    (* 2 pi)
		       (setq a1	(- (ang<2pi (- (angle ce p1) (angle ce pt)))
			     a2	(- (ang<2pi (- (angle ce pt) (angle ce p2)))
		       (setq a1	(ang<2pi (- (angle ce pt) (angle ce p1)))
			     a2	(ang<2pi (- (angle ce p2) (angle ce pt)))
		   (setq bu
			  (list	(cons pa (/ (sin (/ a1 4.0)) (cos (/ a1 4.0))))
				(cons (1+ (fix pa))
				      (/ (sin (/ a2 4.0)) (cos (/ a2 4.0)))
	      ((= typ "AcDbPolyline")
	       (setq pt (list (car pt) (cadr pt)))
	      ((= typ "AcDb3dPolyline") (setq pt (trans pt 1 0)))
	    (or sp (setq pa (1+ pa)))
	      (sp (setq co (cons pt co)))
	      (ep (setq co (append co (list pt))))
	       (setq co	(append	(sublst co 1 pa)
				(cons pt (sublst co (1+ pa) nil))
	      (= typ "AcDb3dPolyline")
	      (while (<= (setq pa (1+ pa)) (vlax-curve-getEndParam ob))
		(setq bu (cons (cons pa (vla-getBulge ob (1- pa))) bu))
	    (vlax-put ob 'Coordinates (apply 'append co))
	    (or	(= typ "AcDb3dPolyline")
		(mapcar	'(lambda (x) (vla-setBulge ob (car x) (cdr x)))
	    (and ucs (vla-put-activeUCS AcDoc ucs))
	    (vla-EndUndoMark AcDoc)

;;	(alert "Entité non valide.") 
	(alert "Entity Not Valid.") 

  (and ocs (vla-delete ocs) (setq ocs nil))
  (setq	*error*	m:err
	m:err nil

;; DVX - from (gile) Gilles Chanteau - (12/05/07) 
;; Supprime le sommet sélectionné d'une polyligne (LW, 2D ou 3D) 

(defun c:dvx	(/ err os pt ent typ plst par blst n)

  (defun err (msg)
    (if	(or
	  (= msg "Fonction annulée") 
	  (= msg "quitter / sortir abandon") 

      (princ (strcat "\nErreur: " msg))
      (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object))
    (setvar "OSMODE" os)
    (setq *error* m:err
	  m:err	nil

  (setq	m:err	*error*
	*error*	err
	os	(getvar "OSMODE")
  (setvar "OSMODE" 1)
  (while (setq pt

;;		  "\nSélectionnez le sommet à supprimer: " 
		  "\nSelect the Vertex to Del/Erase: " 

    (if	(and
	  (setq	ent (ssget pt
			   '((-4 . "<OR")
			     (0 . "LWPOLYLINE")
			     (-4 . "<AND")
			     (0 . "POLYLINE")
			     (-4 . "<NOT")
			     (-4 . "&")
			     (70 . 118)
			     (-4 . "NOT>")
			     (-4 . "AND>")
			     (-4 . "OR>")
	  (setq ent (vlax-ename->vla-object (ssname ent 0)))
	  (setq typ (vla-get-ObjectName ent))
	  (setq	plst (if (= typ "AcDbPolyline")
		       (split-list (vlax-get ent 'Coordinates) 2)
		       (split-list (vlax-get ent 'Coordinates) 3)
	  (< 2 (length plst))
	     (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object))
	   (setq pt   (trans pt 1 0)
		 par  (cond
			((equal pt (vlax-curve-getStartPoint ent) 1e-9)
			((equal pt (vlax-curve-getEndPoint ent) 1e-9)
			 (1- (length plst))
			 (atoi (rtos (vlax-curve-getParamAtPoint ent pt))
		 blst nil
		 n    0
	   (or (= typ "AcDb3dPolyline")
	       (repeat (length plst)
		 (if (/= n par)
		      (cons (cons (length blst) (vla-getBulge ent n))
		 (setq n (1+ n))
	   (vlax-put ent
		     (apply 'append (vl-remove (nth par plst) plst))
	   (or (= typ "AcDb3dPolyline")
	       (mapcar '(lambda (x) (vla-setBulge ent (car x) (cdr x)))
	     (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object))

;; 	  (alert "\nLa polyligne n'a que deux sommets. ") 
	  (alert "\nThe Pline has ONLY 2 Vertex. ") 


;;	(alert "Entité non valide.") 
	(alert "Entity not Valid.") 

  (setvar "OSMODE" os)
  (setq	*error*	m:err
	m:err nil

;;; SUBLST Retourne une sous-liste
;;; Premier élément : 1
;;; (sublst '(1 2 3 4 5 6) 3 2) -> (3 4)
;;; (sublst '(1 2 3 4 5 6) 3 nil) -> (3 4 5 6)

(defun sublst (lst start leng / rslt)
  (if (not (<= 1 leng (- (length lst) start)))
    (setq leng (- (length lst) (1- start)))
  (repeat leng
    (setq rslt	(cons (nth (1- start) lst) rslt)
	  start	(1+ start)
  (reverse rslt)

;; SPLIT-LIST Retourne une liste de sous-listes
;; Arguments
;; - lst : la lste à fractionner
;; - num : un entier, le nombre d'éléments des sous listes
;; Exemples :
;; (split-list '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) 2) -> ((1 2) (3 4) (5 6) (7 8))
;; (split-list '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) 3) -> ((1 2 3) (4 5 6) (7 8))

(defun split-list (lst n)
  (if lst
    (cons (sublst lst 1 n)
	  (split-list (sublst lst (1+ n) nil) n)

;;; Ang<2pi Retourne l'angle, à 2*k*pi près, compris entre 0 et 2*pi

(defun ang<2pi (ang)
  (if (and (<= 0 ang) (< ang (* 2 pi)))
    (ang<2pi (rem (+ ang (* 2 pi)) (* 2 pi)))

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